Download Rocky Linux 9.0

The first general availability version of Rocky Linux was released on June 21, 2021.

Download the official release of Rocky Linux 9.0 from one of the trusted mirrors.

x86_64 Minimal | DVD | Boot | Torrent | Checksum BaseOS
ARM64 (aarch64) Minimal | DVD | Boot | Torrent | Checksum BaseOS

Official Documentation

Report a bug

More Rocky Linux download options here:


We will install Rocky Linux 8.4, you can pick the “DVD” link of the “x86_64” architecture, and download with your favourite brower.

We are downloading the Rocky Linux DVD Iso file with Chrome.

Chrome Download of Rocky Linux
Chrome Download of Rocky Linux


You can get the validated ISO file checksum from the Rocky Linux website:

laptop% curl -s | grep "(Rocky-8.4-x86_64-dvd1.iso)"
SHA256 (Rocky-8.4-x86_64-dvd1.iso) = ffe2fae67da6702d859cfb0b321561a5d616ce87a963d8a25b018c9c3d52d9a4

We can generate the sha256 checksum of your ISO file downloaded locally:

laptop% sha256sum Rocky-8.4-x86_64-dvd1.iso
ffe2fae67da6702d859cfb0b321561a5d616ce87a963d8a25b018c9c3d52d9a4  Rocky-8.4-x86_64-dvd1.iso

We can compare the two values: the reference checksum from the Rocky Linux website and the generated on my computer are the same. We are good:

ffe2fae67da6702d859cfb0b321561a5d616ce87a963d8a25b018c9c3d52d9a4 = ffe2fae67da6702d859cfb0b321561a5d616ce87a963d8a25b018c9c3d52d9a4

ISO to USB key

You need to build one USB Key with the ISO file.

You can pick one of these tools or use the excellent default dd command tool of your computer:

Boot with the ISO USB key

Plug your USB key and boot your computer. Depending of the default configuration, you should enable the USB boot by configuring your BIOS or pushing one function key during the boot.

The classic Anaconda installer is starting.

Anaconda Rocky Linux
Anaconda Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux installation summary

We are ready to setup our Rocky Linux, the Installer summary is proposing all the options your were finding in CentOS Linux.

Rocky Linux installation summary
Rocky Linux installation summary


We can go to: “SYSTEM” > “Network & Host Name”.

Enable your NIC and choose one hostname

Rocky Linux Network configuration
Rocky Linux Network configuration

Disk configuration

We can go to: “SYSTEM” > “Installation Destination”.

We are keeping the default automatic partitioning:

Configure installation destination disk
Configure installation destination disk


We are going back into the Installation summary main configuration menu.

Rocky Linux installation summary, installation disk done
Rocky Linux installation summary, installation disk done

Root password

We can go to: “USER SETTINGS” > “Root Password”

You have to setup the root password.

Rocky Linux root password for Rocky Linux
Rocky Linux root password for Rocky Linux

Software selection

We can go to: “SOFTWARE” > “Software Selection”

We are keeping the default “Server with GUI” base environment.

Software selection of Rocky Linux
Software selection of Rocky Linux


After having clicked on the “Begin Installation” button, the installation is starting.

Installation in progress of Rocky Linux
Installation in progress of Rocky Linux

Prompt for reboot

At the end of the disk preparation, we can click on: “Reboot System”. We can remove the USB installation key now.

Disk installation done, ready to reboot
Disk installation done, ready to reboot

Grub prompt of the first boot

The system is booting from the local hard drive for the first time. We can boot with the default Grub menu “Rocky Linux 4.18.0”.

Grub menu prompt of Rocky Linux
Grub menu prompt of Rocky Linux


The GUI is starting.

Starting the Rocky Linux GUI
Starting the Rocky Linux GUI

License information

We have to confirm the license information.

 information and user creation
information and user creation

Don’t stress, the license is a 3-Clause BSD:

3-Clause BSD license
3-Clause BSD license

Here is the 3-Clause BSD license:

  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

  3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

If you want to compare the 3-Clause BSD with the GPL License, you can get more information here:

Create your own user

You should never use the root user for your session, you can create your own user.

User creation in addition to the root user
User creation in addition to the root user

Good to start

You can click on “FINISH CONFIGURATION”.

Configuration complete, ready to connect to the system
Configuration complete, ready to connect to the system

First login

Great, our Rocky Linux is ready, we can login with the user created in the previous step.

First Rocky Linux login prompt
First Rocky Linux login prompt

You can pick one of these display servers:

  • Standard (Wayland display server), the default
  • Kiosk
  • Classic (X11 display server)
  • Custom
  • Standard (X11 display server) on Xorg
  • User script
GUI server choice
GUI server choice

We are keeping the default Wayland configuration.

First Rocky Linux login prompt, type your own password
First Rocky Linux login prompt, type your own password

User language

We can change the language from our new session.

Confirm you langage Rocky Linux session
Confirm you langage Rocky Linux session


We can select the keyboard of this session.

Select your Rocky Linux keyboard
Select your Rocky Linux keyboard

Location services

We can choose to enable or disable the Location services for our privacy

Enablement of location services
Enablement of location services

Connect online services

We can connect online services.

Connect your online accounts with Rocky Linux
Connect your online accounts with Rocky Linux

You are ready to go!

Last splash screen at the end of the session configuration.

Ready to go, last splash screen
Ready to go, last splash screen

Getting started

For new GNOME user coming from macOS or Microsoft Windows, we have one help page with the main functions.

GNOME help page before you start
GNOME help page before you start

Rocky Linux desktop

Good look for our new Rocky Linux desktop.

GUI Rocky Linux  after the installation
GUI Rocky Linux after the installation

Classic Gnome

We have our classic GNOME menus.

GNOME user interface
GNOME user interface

Check the installed Operating system

The 8.4 release is called “Green Obsidian”:

Check the Rocky Linux release
Check the Rocky Linux release

The release from the Linux CLI:

[moore@rockdata ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release 
Rocky Linux release 8.4 (Green Obsidian)

The Green Obsidian is a naturally formed volcanic glass from Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica.

We can check the release details:

[moore@rockdata ~]$ cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="Rocky Linux"
VERSION="8.4 (Green Obsidian)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 8.4 (Green Obsidian)"

We have the 4.18 kernel with the Red Hat patches:

[moore@rockdata ~]$ uname -a
Linux rockdata 4.18.0-305.3.1.el8_4.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Jun 17 07:52:48 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


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